Please note, if you are a new fan you will only be able to start purchasing tickets after successfully verifying your mobile phone number. We suggest that you verify your mobile number in advance to speed up your ticket purchases.
2025 單口喜劇最強檔
世界收入最高 全球最成功
亞裔喜劇巨星 Russell Peters 
Russell Peters: RELAX* World Tour *it’s not that serious
4月9日 台北TICC 輕鬆開講


時間:2025/4/09 () 19:30
票價:NT$ 2,800 / 2,500/ 2,300 / 2,000 / 1,800 以及限量VIP MEET & GREET PACKAGE NT$ 7,800(包含:門票NT$3,000×1張、演前與Russell Peters單獨合照、VIP紀念掛繩及吊牌x1組、簽名海報x1張等)

* 全座位,請對號入座。
* 實際時間請以現場公告為準
* 本場演出於演出前5日始開放取票。
* 演出時間不等於 VIP 福利活動報到時間,請務必於演出日前至 LIVE NATION TAIWAN官方網站 及社群平台詳讀活動入場時間及相關流程,以免損害權益。
* 請務必於演出日前關注主辦單位官方網站及臉書頁面,詳讀確認入場時間流程及相關規範,以免損害自身權益。

Official Partner 星展萬事達卡DBS Mastercard

TIME:2025/4/09 (WED) 19:30
- One NTD 3,000 seated ticket
- Pre-show individual photo opportunity with Russell Peters
- Commemorative Russell Peters VIP laminate and lanyard
- Autographed poster by Russell Peters.
General Tickets - NT$ 2,800 / 2,500 / 2,300 / 2,000 / 1,800

* The actual performance time is based on on-site situation
* All seated, please be seated in your assigned seat.
* Tickets available for collection 5 days prior to the show.
* Show time on your tickets does not indicate VIP event time. Please check VIP Event Time on Live Nation Taiwan socials and official site for VIP entry notice before show day.
* Please be sure to visit Live Nation Taiwan official website and socials for door time and entry notice before show day. 
We do not offer translation services during performances⁠.

Ticketing Information
時間:2024/11/06 (三) 10:00 ~ 2024/11/08 (五) 10:00

* 更多訊息請至 www.priceless.com/DBS-TW 瞭解更多。
* 單筆訂單限購4張,可支援行動裝置購票。

🎫DBS Mastercard Presale(Only paid by Mastercard Credit card and Debit card)
TIME: 2024/11/06 (WED) 10:00 ~ 2024/11/08 (FRI) 10:00
* These Tickets are available exclusively to DBS Mastercard cardholders and can only be purchased using a DBS Mastercard and by paying through the Mastercard network.
For more priceless experiences: www.priceless.com/DBS-TW
* Please note that you may purchase up to 4 tickets per order.
* Ticket quantities are limited and available until sold out.



* 更多節目及活動資訊More Event Info: www.livenation.com.tw

為安全考量,禁止攜帶後背包、超過 37 x 25 x 11.5公分之包包和行李箱;會場內全面禁止攜帶外食和飲料(水除外)、除手機之外任何形式之拍攝及錄音電子設備、自拍棒與危險物品(依主辦單位定義)等入場,主辦單位有權請違反規定者立即離開現場,會場內無置物櫃,請自行另覓處所寄物,建議輕便前往,並請提早到場進行安檢以避免耽誤觀賞演出。相關規定請於演出日前造訪LIVE NATION TAIWAN官方網站官方臉書粉絲專頁Instagram 獲得最新資訊。


📍 Please note, if you are a new fan you will only be able to start purchasing tickets after successfully verifying your mobile phone number. We suggest that you verify your mobile number in advance to speed up your ticket purchases.

📍 There will be Security Check upon entry. No suitcase, no food and beverage (except water) and any form of professional video, audio recording equipment, professional photo cameras and selfie sticks are allowed in the venue. Any items against Security regulations will not be allowed for Entry. The promoter has the right to deny entry if you violate regulations and can ask you to seek elsewhere to store items that aren’t allowed entry. Please arrive in advance for security check to avoid late entry. There is no coin locker at the venue. For more entry regulations, please check the  LIVE NATION TAIWAN websitefacebookInstagram for the latest updates.

📍 The promoter reserves the right to change these terms & conditions at any time.

The image(s) below are for illustrative purposes only.

The image(s) below are for illustrative purposes only.1


  1. 購票後三天內可辦理退票,退票需酌收票面價5%手續費,換票等同於退票。購買各種優惠票者,需於購票與使用時依規定出示相關證明文件。每人每場退票總張數,不得超出該次演唱會公告之限購張數,分次寄送者亦同。
  2. 為安全考量,禁止攜帶後背包、超過 37 x 25 x 11.5公分之包包和行李箱;會場內全面禁止攜帶外食和飲料(水除外)、除手機之外任何形式之拍攝及錄音電子設備、自拍棒與危險物品(依主辦單位定義)等入場,主辦單位有權請違反規定者立即離開現場,會場內無置物櫃,建議輕便前往,並請提早到場進行安檢以避免耽誤觀賞演出。相關規定請於演出日前造訪 LIVE NATION TAIWAN官方網站官方臉書粉絲專頁Instagram 獲得最新資訊
  3. 一人一票入場,孩童也需購票。 
  4. 請確實核對訂購內容,本票券一經售出,表示台端同意支付本次交易的內容與價格,台端不得以任何理由拒付本次交易費用。
  5. 票券屬無記名的有價證券,如發生遺失、破損、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換。任意塗改、影印或套印、掃描複製票劵,均屬無效票。
  6. 請支持杜絕黃牛票以及二手票券買賣,台灣演出請上官方售票網站-https://tixcraft.com購票,請千萬不要購買非官方管道售出的票券。若因購買非官方售票網站售出的票券引起相關權益受損致無法入場,將無法保障自身權益,本售票系統恕不負責,主辦單位保留認定票券合法性之權力。
  7. 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售之票券,無論加價名目為何。經查屬實者,將取消入場權利並得不予退票,且得依社會秩序維護法第64條第2款逕向警方檢舉並提出告訴。
  8. 各表演場館各有其入場規定,請持票觀眾務必遵守主辦單位及場館各項規定,如有干擾演出秩序之行為,主辦單位有權請出場外並且不予退還票款。活動若因故延期或取消,主辦單位不負交通及住宿費之補償,且僅受理票面金額全額退費。
  9. 活動現場嚴禁以下行為:
    • 使用相機、攝影機或任何器材攝錄影、錄音等與直播行為。
    • 如經查獲,將由工作人員請出場外,情節嚴重者不予再次進場,主辦單位有權強制曝光底片或刪除記憶卡中所拍攝/錄製之內容以維護藝人肖像權與智慧財產權,若有損壞與遺失概不負責,並保留法律追訴權。
  10. 演出期間:
    • 全場禁止站立於椅子上觀賞。
    • 請勿攜帶並高舉看板或手機以免阻擾後方觀眾視線。
    • 請勿丟擲螢光棒、寶特瓶、鐵鋁罐等物品。
    • 經勸告未果,工作人員有權請違規者離場。
  11. 遺失票券:
    • 座位區遺失票券者,請盡早進線02-8772-9835或E-MAIL至tixcraft@tixcraft.com至拓元票務申告,遺失票券者需在演出當日下午6點前,持警局報案單、購票證明與身份證明文件前往場館拓元票務櫃臺簽立切結書,待開演後清查該座位無人進場,可讓申報遺失票券的消費者入場觀賞,但倘若持票人出現,應以持票人優先,遺失票券的觀眾需另行購票入場(剩餘票券,依現場實際狀況為準),否則將觸及刑法第339條的詐欺不正取財之公訴罪。若雙方僵持不下,將會請出場外報警處理。
  12. 其他購票相關問題請電洽拓元客服諮詢專線02-8772-9835(客服時間:週一~週五 10:00-12:30 & 13:30-18:00,適逢國定假日暫停服務)或點選聯繫我們為您服務。

  1. Tickets can be refunded within three days of purchase. A service fee of 5% of the ticket prices will be charged for ticket refund. For discount ticket applicants, you must be able to present valid documents upon purchase and entry on show day. The total amount of refund tickets for each person/show should not exceed the limit quantity of each show in all circumstances.
  2. There will be Security Check upon entry. No suitcase, no food and beverage (except water) and any form of professional video, audio recording equipment, professional photo cameras and selfie sticks are allowed in the venue. Any items against Security regulations will not be allowed for Entry. The promoter has the right to deny entry if you violate regulations and can ask you to seek elsewhere to store items that aren’t allowed entry. Please arrive in advance for security check to avoid late entry. There is no coin locker at the venue. For more entry regulations, please check the  LIVE NATION TAIWAN websitefacebookInstagram for the latest updates.
  3. One ticket is valid for one person (including children) ONLY for the date on the ticket.
  4. Please read these terms and conditions and check the content of your order carefully. The transaction is non-cancellable once the payment is complete.
  5. Tickets cannot be re-issued, refunded, or exchanged if they are lost, damaged, burned, or not recognizable. Tickets which have been altered / tampered / defaced and copies / scans of tickets are invalid.
  6. There are some fans purchased tickets from non-official ticketing system such as secondary-ticket-selling websites. Artist management would like to appeal to all the fans not to buy secondary concert tickets. Please visit official ticketing website – tixCraft. tixCraft will release available tickets from time to time, please pay attention to it. There are possibilities of unable to enter due to secondary tickets’ controversy, please protect your own rights and interest through purchasing tickets from OFFICIAL ticketing.
  7. Tickets which are bought in any resale platforms at a greater price than the official price are not refundable under all circumstances. The promoter reserves the right to report to police according to the Social Order Maintenance Law Article 64-2.
  8. Please follow the concert regulations, for those who violate the rules, we might restrict you from attending the concert and reserves the right to pursue legal actions. In case the event is postponed or cancelled, the promoter is not responsible for traffic or accommodation compensation and will only refund the face value of the ticket.
  9. No Professional cameras, Audio and Video recording equipment or radio scanning/jamming equipment. Once any recording actions are taken, we will have to delete the contents in your memory cards. For those who violate the rules, we will ask you to leave the venue and restrict you from entry.
  10. During the performance,
    • Please don’t stand on chair for safety reason.
    • Please don't raise any support boards or cellphones to block other’s view.
    • Please don't throw any kinds of light sticks, bottles or cans or objects may cause damage.
    • The staff members have the right to request violators to leave the venue. Please don’t stand on chair for safety reason.
  11. Lost Tickets:
    • For Lost Seat Tickets: Dial 02-8772-9835 or Contact us at your earliest convenience. Please bring police report, proof of purchase and your photo ID and go to the tixCraft ticket booth before 6PM on show day to sign the certification document. Once show starts and the seat is confirmed as not occupied, you will be able to enter. However, if anyone with the ticket shows up and he/she will be the priority, audience who lose tickets need to re-purchase ticket for admission. We may report to police station if there is controversy.
  12. Reissue of tickets is not available, please keep your tickets well. Please check Live Nation Taiwan Official Facebook Page for admission guidelines https://www.facebook.com/livenationtw/. The promoter reserves the right to alter / amend / modify or cancel the event without notice.
  13. For further questions, please contact our customer service at 02-8772-9835 (service time: Mon. through Fri., 10:00-12:30 and 13:30-18:00, unavailable on national holidays) or  Contact us.
  1. 欲購票者,請參考【拓元會員加入辦法】,需進行手機驗證,才可開始購票,未完成驗證者,恕無法購票,建議提早完成。
  2. 單筆訂單限購4張,可支援行動裝置購票。購票時可選擇【電腦配位】加速購票流程。
  3. 付款方式僅限【信用卡付款】。
  4. 【信用卡付款】
    • 星展萬事達卡卡友預售票,僅限DBS Mastercard 星展萬事達卡信用卡與簽帳金融卡 付款。
    • 購票前請先確認信用卡額度是否足夠,進入刷卡頁面後,請勿點選上一頁或是關閉刷卡頁面,避免刷卡失敗,刷卡資料送出前請檢查是否正確。
    • 刷卡時,若出現其他訊息如下:
  5. 訂購者帳號中若有未完成付款或刷卡失敗的訂單,該帳號之購票額度需等待系統自動清除訂單後才會釋出,並請重新訂購。故售票日之後,如釋出較為前面座位之票券屬正常情形。
  6. 付款完成之訂單代表已售出,表示台端同意支付本次交易的內容與價格,請至【訂單查詢】核對訂購內容,一旦訂單成立,台端不得以任何理由拒付本次交易費用。(如需退票,請另依退票規則辦理。)
  7. 不論付款時出現訊息為何,付款成功與否,請務必登入並到【訂單查詢】頁面,確認其【訂單狀態】,依訂單查詢顯示為主。
  8. 如果有退票票券,本系統將會自動釋出於系統上販售。
  9. 有鑒於網路拍賣風氣盛行,有許多來路不明的票券在拍賣網站出售競標,但這些票券來源不明、真偽難辨,票務糾紛層出不窮,為確保您的權益,懇請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非正式授權售票之管道購票,如發生無法進場或其他損害個人權益之事宜,本售票系統恕不負責。

  1. Please note, if you are a new fan you will only be able to start purchasing tickets after successfully verifying your mobile phone number. We suggest that you verify your mobile number in advance to speed up your ticket purchases.
  2. Please note that you may purchase up to 4 tickets per order.
  3. You can choose "Credit Card"(online only) as your payment method.
  4. "Credit Card" (online only)
    • DBS Mastercard Presale: Only paid by DBS Mastercard Credit card and Debit card.
    • If your transaction is failed or declined by paying with credit cards, please always check your order status on our website whether the order is confirmed.
  5. If you have any unpaid orders or if your payment for any orders has failed in your account, you will need to wait until the system automatically deletes the previous orders for the next purchase.
  6. If there is a refund ticket, the system will automatically release the seat on the system.
  1. 開放取票日期為該場次開演前5天,故2025/04/04起,可至訂單查詢查看取票資訊,方可至7-11 ibon取票。
  2. 取票方式為【ibon取票】,取票時每筆將酌收$30手續費,於7-11超商門市付款時以現金方式支付。
  3. ibon取票流程說明:
  4. 付款完成之訂單,逾期未取票者視同售出,恕不接受退票或退費。
  5. 現場票務服務處恕無法提供取票服務,請於節目演出結束前自行至7-11超商門市完成取票。

  1. You may choose "Ticket Collection - ibon" as your ticket collection method. The collection fee for each order is NT$30.
  2. 5 days before the event starts (2025/04/04), you can go to the "My Tickets" to check the “Collection serial number” and “Collection number”, and then you can pickup the tickets at 7-11 ibon Kiosk in Taiwan.
  3. Tickets pickup at 7-11 ibon kiosk process: 
    (1) To start click the following on the ibon kiosk: 購票/取票/訂房(Tickets/Ticket Collection/Hotel Reservation) → 售票系統 (Ticketing System) → 取票 (Ticket Collection) → 拓元售票系統 (tixCraft Ticketing System).
    (2) Please follow the instructions on the ibon kiosk screen to enter your Collection S/N and your Collection No., then print out your collection fee payment slip.
    (3) Give the slip to the cashier at the store counter to scan your barcode and retrieve your tickets. After paying the ticket collection fee the cashier will give you your tickets.
  4. If your order has been paid for and you did not collect your tickets before the expiry date, the tickets will be deemed as sold and refund applications will not be accepted.
  5. Please note that the on-site ticket counter will not be able to provide assistance for Ticket Collection - ibon services.
  1. 依文化部於中華民國107年5月16日文藝字第10710128232號公告修定之『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六條-退換票之申請與手續費,如常見問題說明所示。本節目退票方案訂定如下說明。若發生第三條-藝文表演主要表演人員或主要節目內容,於預定表演前發生變動時,其退票方式如常見問題說明所示。
  2. 個人因素退票者,每張票券須酌收票面金額5%手續費。相關服務費用與寄回郵資非屬票價部分不在退費範圍之內。
  3. 購票後(不含購票當日)三日內得退票,第四日起即不接受退票申請;如購票日距活動日不足三日,請於活動開始前完成退票申請。
  4. 已取票需以郵寄退票申請者,購票後(不含購票當日)之第三日若遇假日,因應物流業者配送,則順延至下一個工作日截止收件。
  5. 請自行計算寄達時間,逾期送達恕不受理。演出前未於退票期限內寄達者,拓元將依退票申請表上之聯絡方式通知申請人取回票券,若無法和申請人取得聯繫或無法達成取回票券共識者,拓元將不負票券保管或任何其他責任,所有責任與後果將由申請人自行負擔。
  6. 退票方式(依據取票與否區分):
    • 未取票者:
        1. 信用卡付款者:以【線上退票(系統)】方式辦理。請登入拓元網站至【訂單查詢】,在欲申請退票的訂單中,點選【線上退票申請/進度查詢】,再勾選欲辦理退票的票券,確認送出後,票券會註記為【退票審核中】,即完成退票申請送件,後續仍需待系統進行審核。票款扣除退票手續費,刷退至原購票之信用卡。線上退票申請送出後,若於系統審核前完成取票,退票申請將視為無效,不再另行通知。(活動當日退票無法線上退票,請於活動開始前提供退票申請表格於【聯繫我們】申請退票)
        2. 若申請部分退票,請於【訂單查詢】中確認該票券狀態已備註為【個人因事辦理退票】後,再進行該筆訂單其他票券的取票。
      1. 已取票者—以【郵寄退票】方式辧理:
        1. 信用卡付款者:請下載及填寫退票申請表並附上票券正本退回,票款扣除退票手續費,刷退至原購票之信用卡。

    • 【郵寄退票】注意事項:請隨信附上票券正本、退票申請表正本、非刷卡訂單需附上存摺封面影本(包含銀行名、分行名、戶名、帳號,帳戶以台灣本地銀行/郵局/農漁會信用合作社的台幣帳戶為限),以掛號郵寄或快遞方式寄回「105403 台北市松山區南京東路三段270號10樓 拓元售票系統 客服組 收」。 請勿親送,收件地址現場無法受理(為避免爭議,必須透過掛號或快遞等第三方郵寄系統配送並簽收)。收件時間為週一至週五10:00-18:00,適逢國定假日暫停服務。
    • 申請退票5個工作天後,請於訂單查詢確認訂單,訂單或票券狀態將改為『個人因事辦理退票』,訂單或票券狀態若無變動,請務必向本系統客服確認退票進度(聯繫我們),退款作業時間約20個工作天(收到退票申請且資料完整起計算),刷卡退款時間將依發卡行之作業時間為準。
    • 在有退票釋出座位之前提下,本公司得於完成退票作業後,陸續將該座位釋出並重新上架販售,於退票截止日後亦有可能釋出座位。

    1. Please read our FAQ for the complete regulations on refunding tickets announced by Ministry of Culture. The rules of refund for this event is as follows.
    2. 5% of the ticket price will be charged as service fee for all refunded tickets unless the concert is cancelled due to force majeure.
    3. The tickets can be refunded but may not be exchanged. Please apply for a refund within 3 days after the ticket purchase. Ex:
      • If the purchase date is 2024/11/06, then the deadline for the refund application is 2024/11/09.
      • If the purchase date is 2024/11/07, then the deadline for the refund application is 2024/11/10.
    4. Refund Process:
      • Pay by Credit Card
        1. If the tickets have been picked up, please download and complete the ticket refund application form, and return the form with your original tickets by using registered mail to: tixCraft Customer Service Department 10F, No.270, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105403, Taiwan. The ticket prices minus the refund service fee will be refunded to your credit card account.
        2. If the tickets have not been picked up yet, to refund with [Online Refund Application]: Log into your account on the tixCraft website and click on "My Tickets". Find the order that you want to refund and click on the "Online Refund Application/Progress Inquiry" button. Lastly, select the ticket(s) that you want to refund and hit submit. Your refund application has now been submitted and the system will review your application. You will see that your ticket's Action status will change to "Reviewing Refund". The ticket prices minus the refund service fee will be refunded to your credit card account.
        3. It may take up to 20 working days (start from the date when the application is received) to complete the refund process by tixCraft. After the refund process is done, money will be sent to the credit card company. The time for each card issuing bank to process the credits back to your account is different. Please check with your card issuing bank for the actual time the refund to appear on the statement.
    5. Please check your order at "My Tickets" at tixCraft website after 5 working days. Your order status should be "Refund - Personal refund". If your order status does not change, please contact us immediately by phone or email for confirmation.
    ※Please read and agree to all the terms and conditions before placing your order. Purchasing or refunding is treated as fully agreeing to all the rules above.