【演出異動之票務辦法公告】DPR - The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in TAIPE
DPR - The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in TAIPEI 場館更換公告
為了提升DPR與DREAMers的互動體驗,以及升級場館和硬體設施,滿足DREAMers對演出的期待,DPR - The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in TAIPEI 場地,將從新北市工商展覽中心變更至Legacy TERA舉辦。
✦ 已成功購票的DREAMers不必更換票券,憑原票券即可入場。進場順序依照原票面區域和序號進場。
✦ 演出日期不變,因變更場地後需退票者,即日起可辦理退票,如造成任何不便,敬請見諒。
✦ 本次演出剩餘票券,將於2024年11月23日(六)12:00重新啟售。
- 購票時以信用卡付款者,以【線上退票(系統)】方式辦理。請登入拓元網站至【訂單查詢】,在欲申請退票的訂 單中,點選【線上退票申請/進度查詢】,再勾選欲辦理退票的票券,確認送出後,票券會註記為【退票審核中】, 即完成退票申請送件,後續仍需待系統進行審核。票款全額將退刷至原購票之信用卡,實際退款時間將依發卡行之作業時間為準,請自行留意當期或下一期信用卡帳單。請於2024/11/29前完成退票申請。
- 購票時以ATM虛擬帳號付款者,請下載及填寫退票申請表,並請附上原購票之匯款帳戶的存摺封面,票款全額將匯款至原購票之匯款帳戶。填妥退票申請表後,請點選【聯繫我們】進行線上申請,並以拍照或掃瞄的方式,將退票申請表、存摺封面以電子檔方式上傳做為附件,若未提供退票申請表格及存摺封面將無法受理。請於2024/11/29前完成退票申請。
- 申請退票20個工作天後,請於訂單查詢確認訂單,訂單狀態將改為『主辦單位因素辦理退票』,訂單狀態若無變動,請務必向本系統客服確認退票進度(聯繫我們)
- 退款作業時間約40個工作天(收到退票申請且資料完整起計算),刷卡退款時間將依發卡行之作業時間為準。
DPR - The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in TAIPEI Venue Change Announcement
To enhance the interaction experience between DPR and DREAMers, and to upgrade the venue and facilities, the venue for DPR - The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in TAIPEI will be changed from New Taipei City Exhibition Hall to Legacy TERA.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause.
✦ DREAMers who have already purchased tickets do not need to exchange it. Admission will be granted with the original ticket, and the entry order will follow the original area and serial number on the ticket.
✦ The performance date remains unchanged. For those who need a refund due to the venue change, refunds can be processed starting today. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
✦ Remaining tickets will be available for sale again starting at 12:00 PM on Saturday, November 23, 2024.
Ticket link: https://tixcraft.com/activity/detail/24_dpr
Refund method
- If you paid with credit card when purchasing tickets, please apply for a refund by Online Refund Application (via Account). Log into your account on the tixCraft website and click on My Tickets. Find the order that you want to refund and click on the Online Refund Application/Progress Inquiry button. Lastly, select the ticket(s) that you want to refund and hit submit. Your refund application has now been submitted and the system will review your application. You will see that your ticket's Action status will change to Reviewing Refund. Your refund application has now been submitted and the system will review your application. The face value of the ticket will be refunded to the credit card that originally purchased the ticket. The actual refund time will be subject to your issuing bank. Please pay attention to the current or next credit card statement. Please complete the refund application before 2024/11/29.
- If you paid with an ATM virtual account when purchasing tickets, please download and fill in the refund application form, and please attach the cover of the original account used to purchase the ticket. The face value of the ticket will be returned to your original account. After completing the refund application form, please click [Contact Us] to apply online, and upload the refund application form and account cover as attachments by taking a photo or scanning. If the refund application form and account cover are not provided, the application will not be accepted. Please complete the refund application before 2024/11/29.
- 20 working days after you've applied for a refund, please go to My Tickets, and check that your order status has been changed to Refund - Organizer refund. If there is no change in the order status, please be sure to confirm the progress of the refund with our customer service (Contact Us)
- The refund process time is about 40 working days (calculated after receiving the refund application and the information is complete), and the credit card refund time will be based on the operation time of your issuing bank.